Sunday, 15 January 2012

FSI Dialogues (1)

Here is another good Cantonese course put together originally by the US Foreign Service Institute and now released into the public domain.

Interesting to note that when this course was developed in the 60s and 70s, Cantonese was generally accepted to have 7 or 8 tones instead of the common 6 tones nowadays.

Here's the first dialogue together with a Jyutping transcript. 

小姐, 貴姓呀?
siu2 ze2, gwai3 sing3 aa3?

我姓曾. 先生貴姓呀?
ngo5 sing3 cang4.  sin1 saang1 gwai3 sing3 aa3?

小姓何. 曾小姐係唔係廣東人呀?
sui2 sing3 ho4. cang4 siu2 ze2 hai6 m4 hai6 gwong2 dung1 yan4 aa3?

唔係呀. 係上海人. 你呢? 你係唔係美國人呀?
m4 hai6 aa3. ngo5 hai6 soeng6 hoi2 jan4. nei5 ne1? nei5 hai6 m4 hai4 mei5 gwok3 jan4 aa3?

係呀. 係美國人.
hai6 aa3. ngo5 hai6 mei5 gwok3 jan4.

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